Close tabs without hesitation

May 30, 2024


What is Graphmark?

As the name suggests, Graphmark is a combination of ‘Graph’ and ‘Mark’ (derived from bookmark), providing an enhanced bookmarking service.

When you open a new tab, Graphmark displays a knowledge graph that visualizes the links you have marked, functioning as a browser extension.

Why we need Graphmark?

Graphmark encourages users to close tabs without hesitation. Many people often forget or leave tabs open for extended periods, even if those tabs still have tasks to be completed, such as reading or shopping.

With Graphmark, you can simply mark and close tabs. It’s easy to access them later because Graphmark creates a knowledge graph in the background and displays it when you open a new tab. This way, it’s more convenient to close a tab that is neither important enough to bookmark and access frequently nor entirely useless.

Who needs Graphmark?

Anyone who wants to visualize, organize, and utilize their web browsing history!

More specifically,

  • Researchers and students working on a main subject : Graphmark organizes keywords related to your subject.

  • Anyone who opens links to read later and leaves them open : Graphmark visualizes these links, making them easily accessible.

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